Hey everyone!
Welcome back to the blog! Every year, my friends at Popular Airsoft hold their annual 'Player's Choice Awards' where you, the player get to vote for your favourite retailers, manufacturers, online content and personalities!
For the last 3 years I have been nominated and come runner up for the 'Best Airsoft Blog (Any Language)' award thanks to your nominations and votes, but in 2017 Popular Airsoft decided for their 8th Player Choice Awards, a new award would be added to the list - the 'Female Player of the Year' and thanks to my amazing family, friends and followers I took the title home!
I started blogging in 2014, and at the time I was a complete beginner with very basic kit, an iPhone 5S and an idea. I created Femme Fatale Airsoft in November 2014 after I was made redundant from my graduate fashion job and was involved in a car accident just 2 days later. FFA is my own phoenix from the ashes story. It was originally something to pour my spare time into whilst I was down on my luck but in the short 4 years this blog has been live, it has completely changed my life enough so, that in January 2017, I was able to quit my job to work on FFA full time - which has been scary but amazing!
I created FFA because whilst I was scouring the internet for information geared towards women in airsoft I noticed a gap in the information available online and decided that needed to change! My goal is to and always will be to encourage/support female players and to get more women into the game by making airsoft more accessible through information available to them in online content!
The last 4 years have been by far the best years of my life thanks to the opportunities I've been afforded, years filled with massive professional success that has only been slightly offset by a couple of setbacks in my personal life but since that sunny August day in 2014 I have been absolutely hooked on this sport and it has gone from being my hobby to my career! From playing once a month at a local site to travelling internationally to play airsoft sites and attend events all over the globe! In 2017 alone I have visited Germany, USA, Taiwan and France to play, along with sites up and down the UK every weekend in between and it is all thanks to the support you guys and girls give me day in and day out on my content! It has also been a huge learning curve for me, going from a very, very basic knowledge of the sport to being a voice in the community. 'Growing up' as an airsofter under the communities eye has been both a baptism by fire and a privilege.
8th Player Choice Awards winners |
I am also super proud to be a regular contributor and social media guru for Airsoft Action, voted 'Best Airsoft Magazine' in the 7th AND 8th Player Choice Awards. I have been with the mag since May 2015 and it was amazing to stand next to my editor this year on that stage and collect my very own PCA.
Airsoft Action and Femme Fatale Airsoft on the steps at IWA 2018 |
I dedicated my award to one of my best friends and fellow nominees, Unicorn Leah who has been one of the biggest cheerleaders on my journey. She has always encouraged me to follow my dreams, stay true to myself and gives me pep talks when I'm feeling less than invincible. She has done so much for the female airsoft community, so much so that without her online presence I doubt I'd be sat here writing this blog post for you.
Check out the moment that I picked up my award at the Airsoft Meet-up at IWA 2018 here:
I just want to take this opportunity to thank all of you, for all the support over the last 4 years. From reading my posts, following my various social media channels - every like, share, comment, engaging with me and even fighting my corner against dumb internet trolls, I couldn't ask for better people to share my journey with and FFA wouldn't be what it is without you.
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