Hey everyone! Following on from the popular Slaydies Series Spotlights, here is our next installment! An Airsofter from Manchester UK who regularly frequents the MilSim scene! 
Hi Kim! Thanks for taking part in the Slaydies Series Spotlights! Can you tell my readers a little bit about yourself?
Kimberley Seddon, 23, from Manchester and I work for the Ambulance Service, working towards becoming a Paramedic!
How long have you been Airsofting? What got you into Airsoft?
I've been playing about a year now! My Fiancé started playing with his best friend, because of our jobs we don’t have a lot of spare time together, so it was a way of spending more time with him, also the thought of shooting at things as a way to de stress seemed like a cool idea at the time, 1 year down the line, I’m still playing and spending a silly amount of money!
What do you love about Airsoft?
The Camaraderie, the togetherness, especially if you’re part of a team like I am fortunate enough to be a part of. I play with the Wolfpack.
Where is your home site?
My home site is Trojan Airsoft in Stockport. It’s a CQB site, played in a old mill very compact, lots of opportunities to engage. Get yourself down there and say hello!
What are the most memorable sites you’ve played?
Probably my favourite site would have to be where I played my first Milsim - Sennybridge FIBUA. It’s basically a town they’ve created. It’s brilliant, very compact moving building to building, lots of opportunities to engage, but it has a woodland down one side and it’s on a hill so depending on which side depends on whether you play uphill or downhill. We played uphill, was a real challenge, had to really think about what you were doing and use the site to our advantage. It also rained all weekend so you had to have something about you to play whilst you were cold and wet. It was also quite hard being ambushed every time you slept. It didn't seem funny at the time, but I could imagine it being quite funny seeing someone come at you with only one boot on because you were ambushed at silly o’clock in the morning and had no time to think (yup, I did that.)
I also enjoyed playing at Caerwent, it was the complete opposite to sennybridge, wide and expansive, able to see vast distances, was hard work defending such a large FOB and being attacked from all sides. Was even more of a challenge attacking the enemy FOB with it being so far away, it was a all or nothing kinda deal. Felt immense when we captured it! Looking forward to playing there again. 
How would you dscribe your playing style?
As a team it’s go hard or go home, very aggressive - in your face, we like to let you know we are here. Personally I quite like the sneakiness of the game, I could quite happily sit in a bush for hours on end waiting for the perfect time to strike. It’s so much more satisfying surprising the enemy, seeing their faces when they’re like “what the eff has happened here?”
Weapons and Loadouts:  What’s your weapon of choice? And what loadout do you normally run?
I run 2 RIFS, not at the same time obvs!
My first baby is my Tippmann M4 Carbine, G&G stock, Tight-bore barrel and custom hop. It’s got loads of recoil and is just noisy and offensive. Puts a smile on my face when you hear people go “Oh FUCK! There’s that Tippmann again!” They’re so distinctive in how they sound. A few of the guys on our team run them, they all sound different in their own way, kinda have a character to them, it’s dead cool. I run mine on a HPA system. Dead reliable once you know what you’re doing.
Next baby is my KRYTAC arms CRB. it’s a beautiful thing to run. Personally think Krytac’s are the best AEG’s on the market. They certainly aren’t cheap, but you get what you pay for. Dead smooth, quiet and look really mean with a tracer unit on it.
I’m fortunate that I never get bored of either of my rifles, it’s a privilege to open my gun box and know that both of my RIF’s are AMAZING.
I also run 2 1911’s one full sized and one baby colt. I think they look dead smart, the baby colt fits in my hand PERFECTLY. They run so well, I love them.
Rig wise I run a Warrior Assault System DCS. It’s so well made and fits so well, really adaptable, I also run a back pack for my HPA system, keeps everything out the way and tidy. I also run contrast Bollee’s, they’re handy and everything seems clearer!
All I need now is a pink BFG and my load out will be complete!
Where can my readers find you on social media?
IG: callsign_kimboslice
 Is there anything you would like to say to other players out there?
Keep slaying you Badass Bitches! Haha! But in all seriousness just get yourselves down to your local site - get involved, don’t be afraid to ask questions, people will be more than happy to help out and point you in the right direction. Would be amazing to see more women playing! Can’t wait to see more of you ladies on the battlefield! 

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