Thank you for taking part in my Slaydies Series Aleeia! How long have you been Airsofting? What got you into Airsoft and what do you love about the sport? Where is your home site? What are the most memorable sites you’ve played?
I’ve been
airsofting for about three years now. It all started when a boy I had dated was
really into it. He eventually got my dad and brothers into it as well, sadly,
he didn’t think I was right for it and refused to take me. Quite frankly, he
was a bit right. I ended up tagging along with him and my dad and brothers for
a game. I hated it the very first time I played. It was at the local outdoor
field on one of Georgia’s hottest summers, I was sweaty, I had thorns in my
hair, and I kept putting the mag in upside down. Not to mention I forgot to put
the gun off safety for half the day. It was frustrating and I was pretty much
on my own while my boyfriend at the time played for the objective. My K/D ratio
was like 25/0. But I couldn’t let my boyfriend be right about this not being my
thing. So I hung around till game two, where I wondered on to an objective and
shot the player guarding it. Luckily there was only one guy guarding it and I
had the advantage. That play took zero to no skill and that guy had been my
first kill. I grabbed this box and took it back to the spawn, and it ended up
being the winning objective. I felt so cool. I wanted to play again, and
actually try a bit harder this time. I felt like this super cool gun wielding
person from a movie or something. I got in the zone. Airsoft became so much
I ended up playing it every weekend and I’d like to think I’m not that bad
at it. The field I first started at back in 2011, has long since closed, and my
new home field is Elite Ops Airsoft, a CQB field in Canton Georgia. I’m also
the Head Ref there and spend every free weekend I get going back into the
Airsoft Zone that I had tapped into during my second game of airsoft. No matter
where I play at, I’ve always had a lot of fun. I visited California last
summer, and got to play on some really cool fields that are so different from
my home state. I played at HSP, Forge, Both Tac Cities, and SC Vipe. I’m going
to remember all of those places.
Describe your playing style to my readers!
I describe
the way I play airsoft in one word, MilSpeed. I’ve played my fair share of
Milsim and Semi-Milsim Ops, and I’ve played a good bout of CQB, which is much
faster. When I’m in that airsoft zone, I tend to play the objective and play it
like I have unlimited respawns. Which sometimes I do, and sometimes I don’t.
What’s your weapon of choice? And what loadout
do you normally run?
Being a women in Airsoft: Do you feel you are treated
differently because of your gender? If so, how do you deal with this?

When I first
started Airsofting, the only difference I really found was that a lot of
players tried to low ball me during trades. Girls are generally looked at as
inexperienced players, and sometimes girls are very inexperienced. But this
low expectation of skill that is handed to most girls, keeps them from ever
thinking they should keep getting better at the game. I’m the captain of an All
Girls Airsoft team in Georgia called Black Sunset, and our main goal is to
encourage these women who want to get started, to give them a higher standard
to reach. But as I started to experience Airsoft in more places and with more
people, and on the internet, I’ve noticed that girls are harshly judged. They are
judged worse than their male counterparts. They become victims of the rumour
mill without doing much of anything to warrant it. Their motives for even
playing the game are questioned and they can easily become the butt of a joke,
just because of their gender. I feel with more women picking up a gun and
genuinely liking the game, we will push out a lot of the disrespect that girls get. Which
is why I fully support females playing this sport.
Is there anything you would like to say to other players out there?
The famous Attack on Airsoft, is very real out there. Our government is getting more and more pressure to start making our Airsoft guns neon colors. I believe to help in the fight to save Airsoft, players should do more than sign a petition. Practice gun safety, and teach it to everyone you can. Keep Barrel socks on your Airsoft guns. Don’t let your friends play back yard Airsoft when they are close to their neighbour’s houses. Make Airsoft a common place thing! The more people that understand it, the less likely certain laws are to be passed. Talk to your local field owners and have events where new or first time players can get discounts or half priced rental guns. Join up with C3, a website that promotes Airsoft across the states and helps people find Airsoft fields. All these things can help. So I urge everyone who plays Airsoft to get the sport out there. Start a league, have an op, help advertise local games. You don’t have to be an adult, a senator, or even have 10k followers to make a difference.
Leave us the links to your social media! Where can my readers find you?
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