@spectre307 asked: If you could travel to any country other than your native country to play Airsoft, where would you go?
If I could go to any country in the world to play Airsoft it would definitely be the U.S - I see so much great content from Airsofters over the pond that it makes me wanna try out the U.S fields and Milsims for myself! It would also be great to see how different Airsoft is outside of the U.K :)
@hideadpool asked: You ever gonna come play Airsoft in Hawaii?
I haven't any plans to play Airsoft in Hawaii as of yet but there's always time!
@jayfitzyy asked: Do you pronounce tongue as 'tong' or 'tung'? <3
Being from the Midlands, it's definitely 'tong' haha
@kazzraa asked: If you had to choose one stock Airsoft rifle to use for a whole year, which make and model would you pick and why?
If I had to choose one stock Airsoft rifle to use for a whole year, I would probably say my new Krytac Arms PDW - she's full metal, the internals are sound and so far I'm really impressed with her! My first impressions are great!
@phantom_airsoft asked: What is your favourite type of Airsoft gun?
My favourite type of Airsoft gun is the M4 rifle - for the simple fact is, I think they look good, there is plenty of options to customise it and really make it your own! And of course you can upgrade them to be more than that - such as a DMR, hell you could even shove a box mag on it and increase the rate of fire and you have a support gun. They have loads of potential.
@rennle asked: Milsim or regular skirmish...And why?
I do love a good skirmish but since attending a couple of Milsim events I'm definitely a Milsim convert! I love the aspects of a Milsim you don't get to experience in skirmishes such as the storyline behind it and all the roleplay/intelligence and props used, using all sorts of pyro including flares, the camping aspect is pretty cool and in general the level of play is a lot higher. I'm really looking forward to my next Milsims in the U.K and the U.S :D
@jaygsds asked: The age old question in skirmish,,,attack or defend?
Although I'm a fan of attack and will get stuck in, my strengths lie in aggressive defence and because of that I'd definitely choose defence over attack.
@_ryanknox_ asked: What is your favourite Airsoft gun?
My favourite Airsoft gun is my old faithful G&G Armament GR4 G26 Black Rose AEG with Pneumatic Blowback, I've ran this gun for almost a year and I love her. She's been a reliable primary and now she's had some TLC with the team at JD Airsoft she's good as new!
@bkn_96 asked: What got you into Airsoft?
What originally got me into Airsoft was an ex boyfriend. My first ever Airsoft game was in 2011 for one of my best girl mates birthdays and I borrowed all of his kit - which was bulky and did not fit me at all! I enjoyed the day but being a newb in my boyfriends poorly fitting gear put me off. I played again in August of 2014 for the same boyfriends private birthday skirmish and had a fab time. He brought me my first gun - the G&G Armament FF26 AEG. The relationship didn't work out but I'm glad he introduced me to this amazing sport.
@alpine_furry asked: What is your worst Airsoft related injury?
My worst Airsoft related injury was when I did a powerslide to cover at one of my favourite sites, I slid and hit a piece of cover - my trousers became twisted in the slide and my knee hit the cover without the protection of my built in knee pad. During the slide I cut my leg on something and ended up with a very painful purple knee and a bloody leg! I'd say though, that this is almost joint with the time my lower face mask fell down and I got shot in the cheek, that definitely made my eyes water!
@cam_airsoft_98 asked: Dream Airsoft build?
My dream Airsoft build would definitely be, some sort of hot pink light machine gun. I've never really thought about it in great detail but I think a hot pink LMG would be awesome haha
@devg_ asked: Can you put together a starter Airsoft kit?
If you mean the absolute minimum to play, I would say all you really need are your own eye and face protection as site face pro can smell from a combination of people breathing onto it all day, a good pair of boots that support the ankle and the enthusiasm to go out and have a great day as you can rent vests and guns from most sites. You don't need all the gear to play and an awesome time!
@oskarengstromen asked: If you could team up with any Airsoft crew, which crew would it be? Or if you could build an Airsoft crew from scratch, which players would you recruit?
If I could team up with any Airsoft crew it would be my Women of Airsoft battle sisters in the U.S! I'm really looking forward to tearing up the field with them next year! :D
@milsimmanuk asked: Now that Airsoft is becoming more and more popular, where do you see yourself in 5 years time in the sport? Are you still going to be writing for a magazine and continuing your blog or what else is on your horizon?
In 5 years time I would like to be working full time in the Airsoft industry - as what? I'm not sure but I definitely still want to continue Femme Fatale Airsoft and writing for Airsoft Action as I'm hugely passionate about them! I want to continue being an ambassador for Gender Equality in sport as well :)
Thank you for your questions everyone! xo
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