Thank you for coming down to Tac House to play a game with us Sim! Can you tell my followers a bit about you?
Sim: Yeah sure, my name is Sim and I am from Basingstoke. I love airsofting, Martial arts, skateboarding etc.
Tell us about your Airsoft background! How long have you been airsofting? What originally got you into Airsoft and what do you love about it? Where is your home site?
Sim: Been playing airsoft for about 11-12 years since I was around 13ish. I started off playing airsoft with my dad and brother, but now they both don't play anymore. But I do play airsoft with a good close group of mates at my local site, Iron Sight and a few others!
How would you describe your playing style?
Sim: Depends on the area we are playing in really, I like running and gunning but mainly picking those nice longer range shots where you float your bb a long way to get that kill, that's my favourite! Also depends what I bring on the day, I've got quite a few different choices! lol
What is your favourite weapon? And what load out can we usually see you in?
Sim: At the moment? Well I'd have to say my weapon of choice is my G&G Top Tech M16, it's a beast! As you saw when we played Tac house, it's got some range! As for my load out, at the moment it is M81 Woodland camo with a Tan MICH 2000, with a olive battle belt and Condor sentry plate in tan.
Tac House & FFA - Was the drive worth it? Did you enjoy the day? What were the best/worst parts? How did you feel about travelling to a new site with people you’d never met? Did the day live up to your expectations? How was it shooting with FFA and Grey Fox?
Sim: Oh hell yeah, and I'm coming back too! Great game day and great site too! To be honest there were no bad parts, it was great all round! and my best bit was sneaking up behind most of the enemy team and taking them out, and meeting new, amazing people. I'd defo come back and shoot with you and your group any day of the week!
Where can my followers find you on social media?
Sim: I have a youtube page I am trying to grow so yeah! Here's the link:
I also have Facebook: and Instagram: and don't forget to check out the UKAC which I co-founded with Chris and Henry! (You can access the UKAC by clicking the UKAC logo on the left hand side of the screen!)
Thanks for having me! and yeah check out my S**t! Thanks!
You can view Sims Black Hawk Down Filmsim video here:
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